The Maharashtra State Police Department has recently conducted the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standard Test (PST) to recruit Police Constables. The physical tests were held from 19 June to 27 July 2024, with thousands of candidates vying for one of the 17,471 available positions.
As the next step in the selection process, candidates eagerly await the Maha Police Result to determine their eligibility for the written examination. This post provides all the essential details regarding the Maharashtra Police Constable Result 2024, including how to check your results online, the qualifying marks, and the next steps in the recruitment process.
Maha Police Constable Recruitment 2024 Overview
The Maha Police Constable Recruitment 2024 is a massive drive to fill 17,471 vacancies across the Maharashtra State Police Department. The breakdown of these vacancies is as follows:
Post Name | Number of Vacancies |
Police Constable | 10,300 |
State Reserve Police Force (SRPF) | 4,800 |
Jail Constable | 1,900 |
The recruitment process began with the application phase, which concluded on 15 April 2024, followed by the physical tests conducted in June 2024.
Maha Police Constable Selection Process
The selection process for the Maha Police Constable Recruitment is thorough and multi-staged, ensuring only the most qualified candidates move forward. Here’s a breakdown of the stages:
Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standard Test (PST)
To qualify, candidates must meet the physical criteria set by the Maharashtra State Police Department. Those who successfully pass the Maha Police Result for PET/PST will move on to the next phase of the selection process.
Written Examination
The written examination tests candidates’ knowledge in General Knowledge, Mathematics, Reasoning, and the Marathi Language. The exam format is typically multiple-choice, and candidates who pass the physical tests are eligible to take this exam.
Skill Test/Driving Test
Candidates applying for the Police Constable (Driver) posts must undergo a skill or driving test. This test assesses the candidate’s driving abilities and competence in handling police vehicles.
Final Merit List
The final merit list is compiled based on candidates’ performance in the PET/PST, written exam, and skill test (if applicable). Candidates who make it to this list are considered for final selection.
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How do you check the Maha Police Constable’s Physical Test Result?
To access your Maha Police Result for the PET/PST, follow these simple steps:
- Visit the official website of the Maharashtra State Police Department at
- Look for the link on the homepage that says “Maha Police Constable PET/PST Result 2024.”
- Click on the link to navigate to the result announcement page.
- Enter your registration number or roll number in the designated field.
- Provide your date of birth in the specified format (DD/MM/YYYY).
- Click on the “View Result” button.
- Your Maha Police Result will be displayed on the screen.
- Download and save a copy of your result.
- Print a hard copy for future reference and any subsequent recruitment processes.
MAHA Police PET/PST Qualifying Marks
The qualifying marks for the Maha Police PET/PST Result are set at a minimum of 50 percent. This benchmark ensures that only those candidates who meet the necessary physical standards can proceed to the next stages of the selection process. Achieving these qualifying marks is crucial for advancing in the recruitment drive.
The release of the Maha Police Result for the PET/PST is pivotal for all candidates. Successfully passing this stage is essential for moving on to the written examination and securing a position as a Police Constable in the Maharashtra State Police Department. Candidates are advised to keep a close eye on the official website for the announcement of results and to follow the steps provided to access their results.
When will the Maha Police Constable Result 2024 for PET/PST be released?
The exact date for the release of the Maha Police Result has not been announced yet. However, candidates should regularly check the official website for updates.
What are the next steps after qualifying in the Maha Police PET/PST?
Candidates who qualify in the Maha Police Result for PET/PST will be eligible to appear for the written examination. Those applying for Police Constable (Driver) posts must also pass a skill or driving test.